SJB Tiling and Refurbishments Limited Privacy Policy
Who we are
SJB Tiling and Refurbishments Limited are committed to maintaining trust and confidence for our website visitors, so when you visit us, you know any information you give us is used for the purposes of our business only. We do not sell, trade or market any information to any third party organisations. Within this Privacy Policy contains information regarding what information we collect, why we collect it, how it is used and kept secure.
Types of Data We Collect
Personal Information
For us to provide estimates for works to be undertaken, SJB Tiling and Refurbishments Limited require personal information such as names, addresses and contact details. We obtain this information on a consent and contractual basis. The information that we collect from you is used to contact you if required. We do not trade any e-mail lists or sell them to any third party organisations.
Google Analytics
SJB Tiling and Refurbishments Limited uses Google Analytics to find out information regarding the number of visitors to our website, and their geographical information and demographic and behaviours. This is done each time someone visits www.sjbtilingandrefurbishments.co.uk, and the way that the data is analysed and processed is completely anonymous, no users are identified. Ourselves, and Google have made and will continue to make no attempts to establish the identity of people who visit our website.
Who we share information with
Information that we gather may be shared with our estimate and invoicing platform, Zoho, whose privacy policy you can view at https://www.zoho.com/privacy.html. Zoho will not contact you directly expect under instruction from us to issue estimates, invoices and receipts. Only the business owner and bookkeeper have access to this system.
We may also share your personal information with any member of our business including accountants, insurers, local authorities, sub contractors for the interest of business operation.
Retaining and Deleting Personal Data
We only collect and retain relevant personal data. This shall not be kept for longer than it is necessary for that purpose, or those purposes. It shall be retained for a maximum of 3 years and a minimum of 6 months.
Access to your Personal Information
You are entitled to view, amend or delete any personal information that we may hold at any time. Please e-mail such requests to Steven Betts at info@sjbtilingandrefurbishments.co.uk. If you think that there is a problem with the way that your data is handled, please contact the ICO www.ico.org.uk.
Changes to this Privacy Notice
This policy was reviewed in November 2022 and will be reviewed annually.